Thursday, July 18, 2013

Windows 8? -- Nooooo!

TA says "No!" to Windows 8
New Computers Should Be Bought Through TA, So Win 8 is not an issue!
Fujitsu computers bought through TA come with Windows 7 Professional!

"Windows 8 is the new operating system for Windows computers.

We STRONGLY suggest that you do not upgrade your computer until (at least) next school year.

Let other folks test it, find the bugs, have Windows fix them and then we can discuss it.

If you buy a new PC computer elsewhere, try to get Windows 7 on it.

If it comes with Windows 8, it is NOT easy to downgrade to Windows 7. There are technical things to know before you try it. Unless you have some computer tech ability, it could be problematic.

History tells us that new OS's from Windows have lots of problems. They have already released critical patches and fixes for it and a HUGE new update is due almost any day. Will if fix or foobar? And why should YOU be the guinea pig?

PLUS, this was designed for the new tablet from Windows and their phones. It will not be as cool or easy to use on a regular latop or computer. Why? Touchscreens! Ah ha!

The University of Alabama agrees with this decision. From their Office of Information Technology:   

    Microsoft will release Windows 8 on October 26, 2012. OIT has been testing this version for compatibility and has found that there are a number of significant issues with software commonly used on the UA campus. Device drivers are also not yet available for many of the printers and other devices we commonly use. For those reasons, we are advising all faculty and staff to not perform Windows 8 upgrades or to purchase computers with Windows 8 installed at this time. OIT will continue testing and advise when this version of the Windows OS can be used without major issues in the UA environment. 

Email Mr. V if you have questions:"

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